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Sponsoring a Candidate

* * SPONSORS: Please Read & Print for reference * *
Sponsor Guide to Cursillo Candidate Application Process

The only requirement for candidates is that they be Roman Catholic and able to receive the Sacraments of the Church. Sponsors should also consider candidates for strength of character, maturity, an open mind, an ability to listen, friendship, and willingness to change. Candidates should be emotionally healthy and seeking a deeper spiritual life. The Cursillo Weekend is not designed to be a cure-all for those experiencing personal problems.

Prayer is an important part of sponsorship and sponsors should pray for candidates before, during and after the Cursillo Weekend. Sponsors are also expected to:


1)  Explain the Cursillo Weekend:

  • Always confer with the prospective candidate’s pastor prior to inviting the person to live the Three Day Weekend. This is important because the pastor might know of some reason that a person should not participate in the Weekend, and once an invitation has been extended, it is very awkward to un-invite the person.

  • Answer ALL questions that your candidate might have. You cannot tell him/her too much.

  • Explain what the facility will be like (sleeping arrangements, etc.).

  • Explain that dress for the Weekend is casual, with many people dressing up more on Sunday.

  • Explain the cost of the weekend to your candidate and be prepared to submit payment upon arrival of the weekend.  The donation of $175.00 covers their private room, all meals, and their supplies for the weekend. If your candidate cannot afford the entire cost, please contact Pre-Cursillo for sponsorship opportunities. In addition, some sponsors choose to cover the cost of the weekend for their candidate.


2)  Make sure the Weekend application is totally completed:

  • Go over the application form with your candidate. Ask him or her to fill out the Applicant section, sign it, and return it to you. Make sure the candidate understands that the information will be kept confidential.

  • Complete the Sponsor section of the application, and sign it. Return the form to the Pre-Cursillo chair person either by email (see button above) or by mailing to:

                                                                   Cursillo in Christianity

                                                                       5625 Pearl Dr., Suite F

                                                                       Box 201

                                                                       Evansville, IN 47712


 *** Please do not turn in an incomplete form to “hold a spot.” Incomplete forms will be returned to the sponsor.


3)  Always keep in close contact with your candidate before the Weekend:

  • Make sure he or she has transportation to and from where the Cursillo will be celebrated. If you cannot transport the candidate yourself, try to pair him or her up with another candidate. Please make every effort to make sure the candidate has another person to ride with.

  • Try to ease any fears or anxiety that the candidate might have before, especially the week before, the Weekend.

  • Make certain that a candidate’s family is informed and knows the candidate will return Sunday evening. You may want to contact the candidate’s family during the Weekend as well.


4)  Support your candidate during the Weekend:

  • DO Palanca for your candidate and WRITE a palanca letter to them. Either bring this letter to the Dedication Service Thursday evening or deliver it to the kitchen during the Cursillo weekend by NOON on Sunday. If you cannot deliver it, you may email it to the Palanca Chairpersons PRIOR to the beginning of the weekend.

  • Serve a meal.

  • Attend the 4th Day community Mass on Saturday evening and the Candlelight Service.

  • Spend time in one of the Palanca Chapels.

  • Attend the Sunday Closing. Remember that your candidate will be looking for you at the Closing. If you cannot make the Closing, you might consider finding someone else to sponsor your candidate, or at least designate someone to support the candidate Sunday evening.


5)   Help your candidate participate in follow-up Cursillo activities:

  • Bring your candidate to your next Ultreya.

  • Remind him or her to attend the next Closing.

  • Assist and make sure he or she finds a Group Reunion.

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