Get Involved!

Christ is counting on you!
Being a member of the 4th Day community holds many opportunities to get involved in the Cursillo movement. More importantly, these activities present you with the ability to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ as Christ served His apostles.
Here you will find various ways and contact infomation for areas in which to consider participating. Please pray and discern about the areas in which you are being called.
"For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also."
~ John 13:15
SPONSOR SOMEONE: One of the best ways to get involved and to renew your own commitment to Christ and the Cursillo movement is to sponsor someone. Make a friend, be a friend, and bring your friend to Christ. But remember to talk to God about your friend before you talk to your friend about God. For more information, visit our page on sponsoring HERE.
Kitchen Tasks:
Your time spent in this capacity needs to be pre-scheduled with our Kitchen Coordinators, Phil and Dawn Durcholz.
Text/call: PHIL: 812-457-6202 or DAWN: 812-457-7899.
Serving a Meal: Assist in serving a meal on a weekend (men serve on men's weekends; women serve on women's weekends). This is especially important when you are a sponsor.
Kitchen Angel: Assist in the kitchen when team members are in the chapel with the team and candidates (men or women can be Kitchen Angels on either men's or women's weekends).
Friday Lunch Servers:
If you are a priest, deacon, or religious and able to serve this meal, contact Phil or Dawn Durcholz.
Text/call: PHIL: 812-457-6202 or DAWN: 812-457-7899.
Saturday Evening Mass Setup:
In Celebration Hall, this entails setting up the chairs for the Saturday evening 4th Day Mass/Sunday Closing.
Text/call: MIKE DUGAN: 812-568-9890 or ROBIN DUGAN: 812-629-8832 or email @ 3day@evansvillecursillo.com
Sunday Afternoon Cleanup:
At the Sarto Retreat House.
Text/call: MIKE DUGAN: 812-568-9890 or ROBIN DUGAN: 812-629-8832 or email @ 3day@evansvillecursillo.com
Palanca: See our pages about Palanca for detailed information: WHAT IT IS and HOW TO CARRY IT OUT.
Palanca Chapel:
WHEN: Throughout the retreat weekend, the times and locations vary. View these options and contact persons HERE.
WHEN: Thursday evening of a retreat weekend at 6:30 PM in the Sarto Chapel.
For more details contact: STEPHANIE HINTON @ pre-cursillo@evansvillecursillo.com
4th Day Mass:
WHEN: Saturday of a retreat weekend at 8:00 PM in Celebration Hall. Celebrate the Mass with other 4th Day members.
WHEN: Saturday evening of a retreat weekend at 9:00 PM in the Sarto Chapel.
For more details, text/call: MIKE DUGAN: 812-568-9890 or ROBIN DUGAN: 812-629-8832 or email @ 3day@evansvillecursillo.com
WHEN: Sunday evening of a retreat weekend at 5:40 PM in Celebration Hall.
For more details, text/call: MIKE DUGAN: 812-568-9890 or ROBIN DUGAN: 812-629-8832 or email @ 3day@evansvillecursillo.com
If you sing or play an instrument and would like to share your talents with the Cursillo movement, text/call: MIKE DUGAN: 812-568-9890 or ROBIN DUGAN: 812-629-8832 or email @ 3day@evansvillecursillo.com
Please pray, pray, pray for the candidates and the team as they prepare for the weekend and as the weekend unfolds.
School of Leaders: More information HERE.
Secretariat Meetings: More information HERE.
Ultreya: More information HERE.
Grand Ultreya: Usually in the summer; all Ultreyas come together.
Cursillo Reunions: Typically immediately after each set of weekends. This is an opportunity to reconnect with all Cursillistas.