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Pastoral Plan

May, 1998


The definition of the Cursillo movement: A movement of the church, which, with it's own method, makes

it possible to live out our baptismal promises, in order to create a community of Christians who engage

in leavening their environments with the Gospel. We will, in our Cursillo movement, focus on Jesus

Christ in all aspects of our movement. Our major work will be evangelization of environments.


With this in mind, the School of Leaders of the Diocese of Evansville Cursillo movement has

assembled a pastoral plan to guide us, as a group, to make the best use of the gifts and talents at

hand to effectively evangelize our society. In an effort to prioritize our objectives, we, with much

prayer, palanca and trust in the Holy Spirit, developed several action steps to achieve our "dream"

for the Cursillo movement In our diocese. The steps are as follows:


  1. To increase the number of people involved in the leadership of our movement by: a) encouraging attendance to the School of Leaders, Ultreyas and workshops, as well as other Cursillo functions; b) forming work teams in each facet of the movement to handle responsibilities of Pre-Cursillo, Three-Day and Post-Cursillo; and c) having each section form its own team by inviting people who have made a Cursillo to get involved at some level (with three to six people in each group).

  2. To improve the method of sponsoring candidates and educating Cursillistas to be more aware of the proper methods of sponsoring and preparing a candidate for a Cursillo weekend by, a) encouraging the sponsoring of "leaders"-- people who have potential for influencing others; b) encouraging giving honest answers about the Cursillo movement, especially the weekend; c) planning workshops on the subject and inviting people who sponsor candidates often; and d) encouraging "group" sponsorship.

  3. To target certain environments that have potential for influencing the lives of many souls (examples that we have discussed are the media, local government and the teaching profession) by- a) forming a group to investigate, pray, study and plan a way to Christianize these environments; b) being "leaven"; and c) targeting leaders in these environments for making a Cursillo weekend.

  4. To encourage friendship groups and environmental groups for all Cursillistas by: a) continually updating biosheets; b) including sign-up sheets for people searching for groups at Ultreyas; and c) continuing to provide workshops on these subjects.

  5. To constantly try to increase attendance at Ultreyas by: a) encouraging weekly Ultreyas; b) being purposeful and making people feet welcome at Ultreyas; c) Inviting people who don't normally go to Ultreyas, including non-cursillistas; and d) publishing a list of witness speakers well in advance of Ultreyas.

  6. To make our community closer by: a) praying and doing palanca for our movement by all members, on a regular movement; b) praying the rosary after each session of Leaders School; and c) having as many community events as possible and publicizing them to encourage attendance.


We, as a committed group of Christians, just as we are constantly being formed and growing in Christ, will constantly be looking at our plan for the Cursillo movement of the Diocese of Evansville, with the thought of improving all facets of our movement to enhance the spiritual growth of our community.

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