Grouping Card
In order to help facilitate the process of Group Reunion (or Friendship/Prayer Group), we suggest using the "Grouping Card" that has been created and available for printing *.
A Grouping Card is used nationally in the Cursillo movement, although the card we use locally has been revised to reflect the representation of our diocese. The purpose of this card is to offer a guide to assist in an easy-to-follow format for Group Reunions and as an aid for prayer, reflection, and sharing. Print as needed or share with others!
This .pdf version of the Grouping Card will result in a trifold card. The document contains 3-to-a-page and has a FRONT and BACK.
Consider following these printing instructions:
1) Open the Grouping Card by clicking on this PDF icon:
2) Click the 'printer' icon in your program.
3) This card can be printed in color, or change your setting to black & white, if you prefer.
4) You will see that the .pdf contains 2 pages. To print ONE page - front and back - choose the option to "Print on both sides".
5) Select the quantity of copies you would like.
6) Click "Print".
7) Cut the cards apart, resulting in 8.5" W x approximately 3.5" H, and trifold for a size that will fit well in your wallet, etc.
​* Please see the "Grouping" page for more details about Group Reunion
and to request information about open groups.