The 3-Day Cursillo Weekend is a very special time of encountering Jesus Christ in a community of love; however, Cursillo is not just a weekend. The Post-Cursillo is your 4th Day journey after the 3-Day Cursillo Weekend. After the weekend you enter your “4th Day” which lasts for the rest of your life.
As you continue in the life of grace and seek ways to be an effective apostle for Christ among the people you know, you will be supported by some of the key thoughts expressed during the 3-day weekend and by other Cursillistas.
Post-Cursillo offers an opportunity to pursue in greater depth the relationship discovered, initiated, or deepened during the Cursillo weekend. In the name of the Lord, the Church calls each and every one of her members to holiness and to her mission of evangelizing the world. “All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of love.”
The Post-Cursillo is based on the fact that conversion is an ongoing process that never ends, and that environments can be transformed to whatever extent the people who make up those environments are transformed. A good Post-Cursillo program helps Cursillistas to discover, to accept, and responsibly take their place in the Church (the ecclesial community) and in the world (their environments).
Within the Post-Cursillo, there are two basic means for growing and preserving the Christian life: the Group Reunion (or Friendship/Prayer Groups) for individuals, and the Ultreya for the community.
After the groups are formed, Ultreya is the next priority. Ultreya is the members of the smaller friendship groups coming together in order to form a large community. While the friendship/prayer group provides for the individual, the Ultreya provides for the Cursillo community as a whole.
​​​Below are more of the many Post-Cursillo opportunities available with links to additional information about each one, as well as the Weekend Albums of those who have previously attended the many past weekends.