Regularly Scheduled Events
Evansville School of Leaders
2nd Tuesday of each month
7:00 PM (CST)
(Rosary @ 6:40)
Holy Rosary*
1301 S. Green River Rd.
Evansville, IN 47715
(*Conference Room off the Atrium)
Click here for schedule & leaders
Grand Ultreya
Usually in the summer; all Ultreyas in the
diocese come together.
Spring & Fall Cursillo Reunions
​Typically soon after each set of weekends.
This is an opportunity to reconnect with all Cursillistas.
Secretariat Meeting
4th Tuesday of each month
7:00 PM (CST)*
*Community Mass @ 6:00 PM followed by
recitation of the Rosary @ 6:40 PM
Holy Rosary**
1301 S. Green River Rd.
Evansville, IN 47715
(**Conference Room off the Atrium)
Spring & Fall Cursillo Weekends
(Men's & Women's)
Click here for complete list of future weekends.
Summer Spanish Cursillo Weekends
(Men's & Women's)
Click here for complete list of future weekends.
Sign up for email updates to receive announcements once they are scheduled.