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CURSILLO IS AN INVITATION… be an informed Christian, to be an effective Christian, to put Christ in the center of your world, and to go forth and proclaim the Gospel.



The Spanish word “Cursillo” means, “short course”; therefore, the Cursillo is a “short course in Christianity”. It is an encounter with Christ in a small community of the Catholic Church so that His love and grace can be brought to every aspect of life.


It begins with a three-day experience with daily Holy Mass, opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, rosaries, and other Catholic traditions. 


It starts on Thursday evening and ends Sunday evening. During those three days those attending live and work together listening to talks given by priests, religious, and laypersons, and participate in small group discussions. The talks include topics which deal with life, the Christian ideal, the Catholic faith, and a method to bring Christ into the modern world.




You will need a Sponsor (someone who has previously attended a Cursillo Weekend and/or has been actively involved in the Cursillo Movement). With the help of your Sponsor you will need to complete and submit your application for the Cursillo Weekend. Click on the image above to Download Application Form.



Start within your parish by asking your parish priest about the Cursillo Movement and those in your parish who have attended a weekend. You may also check with our Secretariat’s Pre-Cursillo Coordinator who can put you in touch with a prospective sponsor or by contacting another member of our Secretariat.

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