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Palanca Chapels


You can now SIGNUP ONLINE to choose your slot(s) in our Palanca Chapels!  Simply click the button that corresponds to the chapel you wish to attend and follow the instructions on the website of the chapel's link.

Women's SPANISH Cursillo #5

TIME                               AREA                                       CONTACT                                  ONLINE SIGNUP

Thursday 7 PM - Midnight

Precious Blood, Jasper, IN


Brian & Kris Ketzner: 812-639-2382

Friday Midnight - 5 AM

St. Philip, Mt. Vernon, IN

Lynn & Clare Hassler: 812-480-2382

Friday 5 AM - 11 AM

Holy Redeemer, Evansville, IN

Marianne Webster: 812-319-8513

Friday 11 AM - Midnight

Resurrection, Evansville, IN

Dan & Terri Barnes: 812-204-3654

Saturday Midnight - 1 PM

St. John the Baptist, Newburgh, IN

Mike Dugan: 812-568-9890

Robin Dugan: 812-629-8832

Saturday 1 PM - 7 PM

Holy Rosary, Evansville, IN

Mike Rennie: 812-671-4042

Saturday 7 PM - Sunday 2 AM

Good Shepherd, Evansville, IN

Rocky & Rita Mattingly: 812-455-0675

Sunday 2 AM - 2 PM

Sts. Peter & Paul, Haubstadt, IN

Mary May: 812-768-6617

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